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This Organization shall be known as "The Volunteer and Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association of Uniondale, New York, Inc" 

The Association is organized for the purpose of

Promoting the general welfare of volunteer firefighters and volunteer fire service for those firefighters serving in the Uniondale Fire Department and in certain circumstances in other fire districts.


Acquiring by all lawful means, funds and property to be dedicated and used to aid in the prevention of an Association's member (or their dependents) from becoming indigent or to benefit disabled members (and their disabled dependents). 

Furnishing relief, aid and assistance to eligible members Furnishing (or their dependents) who are disabled or to aid in the prevention of becoming indigent in accordance with the terms or requirements of the Association.


Any member, who is in good standing with the Association in accordance with the terms stated in the By-Laws, shall be eligible to seek aid from the Association.


The principal office of the Association shall be located at 501 Uniondale Avenue., Uniondale NY 11553, or such other place within or without the state of New York, As the Board of Directors ("Board" or "Directors") from time to time determine. The Association's current mailing address is P.0. Box 66, Uniondale NY 11553.

In order to be eligible for membership in the Association you must be an active volunteer firefighter serving in any fire company that is affiliated or associated with the Department ("Company"), and be in good standing with the Company in which you are a member.


New volunteer firefighters may acquire information about the Associations from the Captain of the Company or Associations Benevolent Representative assigned to the Company.

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